Category: innovation

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Three challenges in the conventional education system and how they impact entrepreneurship

The American experiment in representative government, borne out of liberty fires set in the 1770s, organically led to the flowering of the entrepreneurial heritage that we enjoy today. Did we...

entrepreneur, innovation

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Beware: Shiny Object Syndrome & the Easy Button

Do you know someone who always has the latest buzz about gadgets? Are you that person? For example, if you’re chomping at the bit to pre-order the upcoming Apple Watch,...

development, digital, innovation, technology

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Your Business Idea Sucks and So Does Your Tie

Hard to hear, isn’t it? Chances are the grand idea that you thought up to create a brand new business completely, totally, and utterly sucks. You are not alone. Most...

entrepreneur, innovation, opportunity, small business, startups, venture capital

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Applying “Athlete-Centered” Coaching to Business Management

Coaching a team of any kind requires that the coach learn how to best provide skills and motivation to his/her team, and to strategically provide them based on how the...

business, community, innovation

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Corporate America Called to Support Water Conservation Initiatives: Columbus Carries Hope with PackH2O

The facts related to the water crisis are staggering. Yearly, an estimated 3 million people die from exposure to water-borne pathogens; those affected are on average 5 years of age,...

innovation, news, small business

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5 Reasons Why Customer Cash May Be the First Source of Funding for Startups

Raising cash from your customers to fund your new venture may be the better alternative to raise equity than pounding the pavement for investors, says John Mullins, Ph.D., a professor...

business, entrepreneur, innovation, small business, startups

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Leadership Academy Trains Tomorrow’s Leaders

The Robert H. Schottenstein Central Ohio Leadership Academy recently graduated 34 high school students from 23 area high schools who completed an intensive six-week program revolving around all the elements...

development, event, innovation, news, opportunity

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Necessity and vanity are the mothers of invention

Two young industrial designers from Sweden have come up with a solution for the unsightly hard shell bicycle helmet that has caused dreaded helmet hair for millions who use them....

business, development, innovation

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Innovate New Albany Incubator Serves as Model to Other Communities

Since New Albany launched its incubator for technology startups in 2011, Innovate New Albany has steered a course that has enabled it to provide the right resources to startups, begin to see...

business, development, In the News, Innovate New Albany, incubators, innovation, startups, technology

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WOW! Business Services Acquires Bluemile

WOW!, a leading high-speed Internet, cable TV and phone company, recently acquired central Ohio-based Bluemile, a data center and cloud service provider that will give WOW! Business Services inroads into...

business, development, innovation, technology