Category: innovation

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Fifth Annual TEDxColumbus Slated for October

The fifth annual TEDxColumbus will probe “the provocative, the progressive and the personal,” with more than 15 speakers and performers from 9 am to 5 pm on October 11 at...

business, digital, event, innovation, news

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hiVelocity Profiles Ohio’s Creative Class

A new digital publication, hiVelocity, is adding a novel perspective to Ohio business news with weekly features that profile Ohio entrepreneurs, inventors and the businesses and products they create. According...

business, development, digital, innovation, mobile, news

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Grablet Adds Fun and Function to iPad

While technologies such as the iPad have made work, play and life in general much easier, it’s sometimes cumbersome to haul around or set up where and when you want...

business, development, In the News, innovation, mobile, news, small business, startups, technology

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New Albany Businesses Among Best Workplaces

Three New Albany businesses – Discover Financial Services, e-Cycle and the New Albany Country Club – are ranked among the 50 Top Workplaces in Central Ohio according to a Columbus...

award, business, business clusters, development, economic development, innovation, news, small business

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Columbus Region Racks Up National Recognition

In less than one year, the Columbus region has racked up at least 18 different accolades that speak to the kind of assets that attract both residents and businesses, ranging...

award, business, development, economic development, innovation, small business

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Consumer Packaged Goods Companies Go Mobile

U.S. consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies are turning to mobile apps to not only retain customers but also find new ones are developing mobile apps for everything from special promotions...

development, digital, innovation, mobile, technology

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Ohio Growth Summit
Helps Small Businesses Grow

The 9th annual Ohio Growth Summit on June 6 enables small business owners and entrepreneurs get the advice, resources, business tools and techniques they need to grow their businesses. This...

business, development, entrepreneur, event, innovation, opportunity, small business

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Marriott, Renaissance Test Tech-Free Vacations

Remember when a vacation meant reading a book, dozing on the beach or playing a game? Well, Marriott and Renaissance Hotels are going old school with their technology-free “Braincation Zones”...

business, innovation, mobile

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The Young and Restless Entrepreneurs

It’s the year of the young entrepreneur or at least that is what it seems if you have read your local newspaper lately. In fact, a recent article in the...

business, development, entrepreneur, innovation, small business, startups

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Motion Controller Replaces Keyboard Strokes

It’s just three inches long, but the Leap Motion Controller, a new natural user interface that is 200 times more accurate than earlier controllers, can distinguish each of your fingers...

award, development, digital, innovation, mobile, news, technology