Category: mobile

Spotlighting the trailblazers shaping New Albany's future through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Help Your Clients Reach Their Fitness Goals with Mobile Marketing

If you’re a health and fitness expert, you’re fast approaching the time when many people start to think about how to kick off the new year by getting and staying...


Mesmerize Your Audience with Mobile Marketing

One of the newest complaints people are expressing is their annoyance with the use of smart phones in “inappropriate” settings. I’ve had many conversations with people who notice couples at...


7 Ways Startups Can Benefit From Mobile Marketing

In this second installment of a series of articles on mobile marketing for small businesses, the focus will shift from independent retailers to startup businesses. Startup businesses are unique in...


Mobile Marketing Tips for Independent Retailers

In previous articles, I’ve focused on the benefits of mobile marketing for small businesses. But of course, there are many types of small businesses. In this upcoming series, the focus...


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Does a Mobile Responsive Website Get the Job Done?

Based on Google’s new requirement, many small businesses now understand the need to have a mobile friendly website. Mobile marketing professionals have been writing and speaking about this in order...


3 Ways To Reach Mobile Customers Like Big Brands

According to, 4 out of 5 consumers use their smartphones to influence their purchasing decisions. Consumers are conducting comparison shopping, searching for discounts or coupons and reading reviews all...


5 Ways to Grow Your Business with a Mobile Messaging Campaign

It’s no secret smartphones are one of the most widespread forms of communication society has ever experienced. Statistics show there are more mobile device subscriptions than there are people! This...


How Google’s New Mobile Friendly Requirement Affects Small Businesses

What changes they’ve made and how you can be ready. For quite some time, Google has recommended that website owners ensure their websites are mobile-friendly. Now, they’ve upped the ante...


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LinkedIn can leverage the value of relationships

If you are a business-to-business company, LinkedIn can be an important resource and marketing tool to reach and influence your business connections and make new contacts. While its scale is...

business, development, digital, entrepreneur, innovation, mobile, small business, technology

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Google Glass Apps Emerge

Here come the Google Glass apps. For instance, Sherwin Williams’ ColorSnap Glass app lets consumers turn every day items into paint colors with nothing more than a wink or voice...

business, innovation, mobile, technology