5 Writing Goals Your Business Should Have for 2016 - Innovate New Albany | New Albany, Ohio

5 Writing Goals Your Business Should Have for 2016

The year is coming to a close, and if you are like many businesses, you have already begun to set your goals for 2016. You have likely made sales projections, developed strategies for gathering new leads, and formulated innovative ways to increase your close rates.

What you may not realize is that many of your business goals are achieved by what you write. The content you put out there about your business entices visitors to your website, encourages them to keep reading, and makes them want to learn more about you.

So wouldn’t it make sense to include writing goals in your business’s plan for growth in 2016?

Here are five measurable, meaningful, and attainable writing goals that can help you increase sales and business exposure in 2016:

  1. Start a blog. If you don’t already have one, 2016 is the year to start. A blog is a great way to build trust with your potential customers, attract visitors to your website, and establish yourself as an industry expert. If you already have a blog, enlist the help of others to create an editorial calendar full of fresh, original, valuable content. Publish the new articles to your blog on a consistent schedule.
  2. Get that newsletter out. Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to reach your target audience. With permission-based lists, you can deliver your value-packed message right to their inboxes. Make 2016 the year to push those newsletters out consistently.
  3. Don’t forget social media. Your social media profiles are important in building your brand and staying accessible to your customers. Plan ahead in the coming year by placing your social media posts (along with your blog articles) on an editorial calendar. You can schedule your posts and manage multiple accounts at once with social media tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, TweetDeck and SproutSocial.
  4. Consider longer content. Lengthier content such as ebooks and white papers can be used to attract visitors to your website and obtain email addresses for your email marketing efforts. Consider adding this type of content marketing three or four times a year.
  5. Update your web content. As you begin a new year, take a look at your website to make sure all of the pages are up to date. If products were added, services were removed, or you hired new employees, be sure this information is accurately represented on your website.

Your business’s success rests largely in your ability to plan ahead. Incorporate your business’s writing goals into your plans for 2016, and let them take your business in a new and exciting direction.

Laurie Zinn is a Columbus-based freelance writer and owner of Line-By-Line. She helps businesses communicate with their customers through website content, blog articles, email marketing campaigns and social media. For more information about Line-By-Line, visit http://line-by-line.us or contact Laurie at laurie@line-by-line.us.

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