Turning Waste into Profit: Strategies for Operational, Financial, and Environmental Impact - Innovate New Albany

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Turning Waste into Profit: Strategies for Operational, Financial, and Environmental Impact

June 19, 2024 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

| TIGER Talk

7775 Walton Pkwy, Suite 100
New Albany, OH 43054 United States

NEW LOCATION: 7775 Walton Pkwy, 3rd Floor, New Albany, OH 43054

Wed 6/19/24, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Be ready to interact with our featured speakers, David Leff & Megan Moses, and your fellow participants.

Please arrive at 11:30 am. Eat. Mingle. Make new friends.

How does a company take a look at their waste and see a financial improvement and increased sustainability efforts in today’s business environment? Join us for this TIGER Talk to find out!

Sustainable Ohio’s programs help drive operational improvements of member organizations by considering waste streams, use of our historical knowledge, innovation and the Ohio By-Product Synergy Network. By working with the Network and partners, materials are being reused beneficially instead of the traditional tipping and transportation fees, potential environmental liabilities, and operational management issues. The profits are sustainability successes!


David Leff has been the Technical Director of the Ohio By-Product Synergy Network since 2020 and has been involved with Sustainable Ohio since its inception in 2010.

David helped kick off the Sustainable Ohio’s Ohio By-Product Synergy Network through his work with a Fortune 500 manufacturing company in his Environmental, Health, and Safety role. Focused on driving improvements and cost reductions within the company, the involvement with Sustainable Ohio helped drive those improvements. David continued to support Sustainable Ohio and drive improvements when he shifted to a Risk Control and Engineering leadership position within the insurance industry and continues to drive improvements for members and partners of Sustainable Ohio.


Megan D. Moses has been President of Sustainable Ohio, and Director of the Ohio By-Product Synergy Network since 2010. Her love for sustainability and the environment started in undergrad when she was recruited to a grad program to develop sustainability markers for the forest paper industry at Miami University’s Center for Sustainable Systems Studies. After graduation she worked at The Ohio State University as Director of The Environmental Molecular Science Institute, where she managed environmental sustainability outreach and research at molecular level in soil, water and gas.

She then took her talents to industry and started the first environmental sustainability department at The Scotts-Miracle Gro Company. For the last 14 years has led Sustainable Ohio and the Ohio By-Product Synergy Network, assisting organizations and the State of Ohio with environmental sustainability initiatives.


Like all TIGER Events, this one is FREE.


11:30 am – Lunch / Socializing

11:50 am – Introduce yourself to our crowd (your “15 Seconds of Fame”)

12:05 pm – Hand-off to David & Megan

1:00 pm – Wrap / More Socializing

This event has passed so registration is closed.


June 19, 2024
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


7775 Walton Pkwy, Suite 100
New Albany, OH 43054 United States
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