Events from September 21, 2018 – April 26, 2019 › TIGER Talk › – Innovate New Albany

TIGER Events

The Recipe for Building Real, Authentic Business Relationships–Even in Today’s Digital World

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

Are real human relationships an outdated, old-fashioned idea in today’s technology-driven marketing world? Join us to learn how human connections are more important than ever—and get the recipe for building and nurturing them with a consistent, predictable business process. Speaker: Bill Troy, Chief Executive Officer, Civilis Marketing Bill Troy is an Inc. 500 CEO and a natural-born contrarian who has helped global brands like Sony, Disney and Nestle see the world from a different perspective for
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Contract Terms & Language: making sense of it all

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

From basic principles of contract drafting to recurring litigation issues, attendees will learn the "do's & don'ts" of contracts for early phase businesses. These skills will enable attendees to wisely contract to protect their businesses and avoid future litigation resulting from the most common contract pitfalls. Speaker: David Shouvlin, Commercial Litigation Attorney, Porter Wright An experienced litigator, David Shouvlin has practiced law for over 35 years. He uses this experience to present new business owners and early
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Virtual Reality: how it can dramatically improve learning

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

The process of Learning (education, training and simulation) has been ripe for disruption for quite some time now. The current approach used in western society was designed for a purpose that no longer exists and, as a result, large segments of our population have been unable to realize their full potential. Alternative approaches to learning have been designed and implemented with varying degrees of success, but we have yet to see the mass adoption of
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Do’s and Don’ts of Joining a Nonprofit Board

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

Nonprofit board service can be inspiring, but if not matched or structured well, can be frustrating. Kerri Mollard will discuss how to identify a nonprofit board to serve on, and what to look for to determine the best fit and use of your skills. Speaker: Kerri Mollard, CEO, Mollard Consulting Kerri holds a Master's Degree from Indiana University as well as a Bachelor's Degree from The Ohio State University. She has spent the last 22 years working
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The Power of Peers: The Secret Weapon of The Most Successful Entrepreneurs

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

Being an entrepreneur means being a leader. It also frequently means that you are alone in your own organization. No one else has the same questions, issues, or challenges. So where can an entrepreneur turn for ideas and advice? Fellow business owners! Join us for a panel discussion by multiple business owners who have tapped into the Power of Peers to improve the success of their business and personal lives. Learn what the most successful
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Zero to MVP – How to Find, Build, and Launch a New Product

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

Are you a startup or BigCO looking to launch a new product? "Zero to MVP" is an approach to ideate, prototype, validate, and launch customer-driven products and services. The goal for this session is to generate an understanding of prototyping and customer feedback to create a true "minimum viable product" to launch. Anyone from a startup to a BigCO can use the approaches to cut risk when developing new products. Speaker: Eric Fulkert, Founder, Pay
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What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You: Data Protection Best Practices for High Growth Businesses

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

As businesses succeed, many will rapidly grow both their customers and employee teams. This rapid growth can quickly lead to an overwhelming amount of data -- data which needs to be organized and protected. Today, protecting employee and customer data is a fundamental part of managing any successful business. Understanding your full responsibility under cybersecurity regulations and laws is no longer optional, and must be treated as a priority. In this TIGER Talk, Christina Hultsch
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Back to the Future: Learning from history to excel at innovation today & tomorrow.

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

Does your business need to transform to thrive and achieve its full potential? Wondering how  to help your team adapt and create a better and longer lasting business? Are you and your peers getting lost in all the innovation hype? In this interactive talk, Dan will bring to life stories and lessons of innovation leadership from his own experiences and from a variety of companies that have made history through innovation. Learn a new perspective
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3rd Annual Technology Update With Buckeye Interactive

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

In today’s highly technological world, it has become increasingly important to be aware of the technology trends emerging each and every year. It is especially important to know these trends to ensure success for your company or organization, but you first must know what’s valuable and lasting. That’s where our speaker comes in! Back by request in 2019, Buckeye Interactive will share the latest software and hardware technology and design trends. After returning from the
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Life, Death, and Leadership: Post Near-Death Perspective on How Effective Leadership Accelerates Profits

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

In one day, Joe Heskett went from being one of the top-ranked athletes on Earth to a hospital bed in Columbus, Ohio. Despite being given only a 2% chance to live, Joe survived his episode with sudden cardiac arrest. However, Joe's story of survival is just a part of his awe-inspiring journey. Joe will share his experiences and perspectives on how leadership is an unbiased concept, a chameleon of sorts, while effective leadership is a
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Modeling & Predictive Analytics: Making the Most of Your Data

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

This talk outlines how businesses big and small can use existing data to understand and prioritize customer needs. This will detail how search algorithms process consumer search information, how customer relationship management software stores and interprets data, and how that data can be modeled and analyzed to understand customer behavior. Ultimately, that data can be used to predict outcomes, refine marketing strategies, and cultivate meaningful customer relationships. Bill Balderaz is the president and founder of
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How to be Heard in a Noisy Business World

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

How do you find the right words to use so you will be truly heard in a crowded business culture? After all, our workplaces are noisy operations with lots of competition for limited time, attention, and energy! In this talk, Kay Coughlin teaches a simple technique anyone can use, any time you need to deliver a message that must stick. This is the ONE technique you need to know to deliver the right message to
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How To Be The Visionary Leader Your Business Deserves

Innovate New Albany 8000 Walton Parkway Suite 200, New Albany, OH, United States

You're a business owner but feel more like an employee, never fully focusing on the essential tasks of leading your team to the next level. During this interactive presentation, you'll discover how to invest more energy in working on your business rather than in it. You'll learn actionable information that enables you to be the leader your company, team, and family deserves. Rick Coplin, CEO of Rick Coplin International, has a passion for entrepreneurs honed
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Information Visualization: Make Better Decisions & Build Stronger Strategies

Today, organizations and businesses have access to exploding amounts of data, both quantitative and qualitative. The challenge is knowing how to harness and make sense of all that data so it can be used to inform effective future strategy and valuable innovation. Visualizing data, or information, allows us to pull key insights out of large amounts of data, draw connections between seemingly disconnected parts, communicate various perspectives, and create a shared sense of understanding. As
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Driving Toward the Future with GhostWave

In this session, GhostWave CEO Dean Zody will discuss where the future of tech lies. The Columbus Smart City grant brought with it new research about how we move. GhostWave is tackling the challenges of the future of travel. They provide low-frequency radar that supports blind spot detection and collision avoidance without being impacted by jamming or interference from other radar devices. Dean will discuss how his company is revolutionizing radar for advanced autonomous vehicles
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Fostering Innovation at a Large, Established Company: Unleash the Power of the Diverse and Dedicated Team

Learn about Procter & Gamble's celebrated Clay Street Innovation Studio and the journey of 11 individuals who grew into an empowered and highly creative innovation super-team. In this talk, our presenters Chris Thoen and Michael Luh will describe the power of creativity and design thinking to unleash the greatness in individuals and develop the synergies driven by diversity, empowerment, focus, improvisation and many others. Chris and Michael will share their own personal experiences which made
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9:00 am – 12:00 pm


Fri June 28
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As a community created by innovators for innovators, New Albany offers a robust ecosystem that leverages entrepreneurship, business connectivity, public-private partnerships and quality of life to inspire creativity and accelerate commerce.

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